Add new event

Adds a new event to the Findevent database.
See for an example interface.


  • auth or (user, pass)

    This method requires authentication.See authentication

  • title

    The event title.

  • desc

    The event description. Indicate new lines by a new line character - '/n'.

  • start

    The event start time as a unix timestamp (ISO 8601 format)
    (e.g. "2009-21-01 14:25:00").

  • end

    The event end time as a unix timestamp (ISO 8601 format)
    (e.g. "2009-21-01 14:25:00").

  • venu

    ID of the venue where the event takes place. To search for a venue ID use venue search method.

  • type

    Type of the event, complete list of types can be found here.

  • url (option)

    The event webpage.

  • phon (option)

    Phone number under which more information about the event can be obtained.

Example Request URL: authentication

This is an example request that is going to add an event called "Britney Spears concert" with description "The best concert ever" taking place on Feb 02, 2009 from 8 to 11 pm at a venue with ID 1285. Of course the real URL shouldn't contain line breaks.

Response Parameters:

Response is a regular XML block.

  • id

    ID of a newly added event.

  • message

    Event has been added.

Example Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <message>Event has been added</message>

Possible Errors:

  • title empty - (Missing title)
  • description empty - (Missing description)
  • start empty - (Missing start time)
  • end empty - (Missing end time)
  • venue empty - (Missing venue ID)
  • type empty - (Missing type ID)
  • invalid start time format
  • invalid end time format
  • invalid venue.
  • invalid type.


Los Angeles Fashion Week

Los Angeles Fashion Week takes place each March (for fall collections) and October (for spring collections) in locations throughout the Los Angeles Area. It started in the middle of the 20th century w...

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